99 days!!!! WE ARE NOT READY FOR BABY YET!!!!.....
I am the lucky one that has the holidays coming up so the party planners decided a shower would be better in January.... My luck, I will be a month early!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Holy CRAP!!!!!
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 10:16 AM 4 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
dr. update
Had the glucose test....gross but no big deal. Waiting for the results on that.
I measured at 26 weeks.
Heart rate: 156
my weight is up about 7 lbs.
I will have updated pics soon.
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 6:44 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
24 almost 25 weeks...
Is it me or is there a huge baby in there? It is like all of a sudden I woke up like this..... I wonder what month 9 will look like. I am no good at taking the weekly picture, so I am going to stick to the monthly picture... 6 months. Eeek!
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 10:20 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I saw this quote in the paper today....
Rosa sat , so Martin could walk, so Barack could run.......
Isn't that cool? We have come a long way.
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 2:20 PM 1 comments
I MISSED IT!!!!!!! I fell asleep!!! You think my husband would wake me up for the speech?! ? NO! He let me sleep! He knew how excited I was ( I like this stuff) and I couldn't wait to get home and start watching all the news programs and what do I do..... FALL ASLEEP!!!!!!
Congrats Obama!!!!!! Only 77 more days of BUSH!
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Practice makes perfect...
Or so I hope. Joe and I had the opportunity to babysit for Jess and Mike on Saturday while they attended Dave and Laura's wedding. We had a great time. Although I think it was the longest I ever babysat, it was SO worth it! Peyton was SUCH a good girl and I was great to spend some quality time with her. She is still a PEANUT! Here are some pics from the day....
Joe's FIRST time feeding a baby. He did VERY well, at least I think Peyton thought so.7pm and we are FINALLY awake! So we tried to get some "activity" time in.

And this was the scene for most of the day. Atleast for my bathroom breaks. I couldn't help but hold her the ENTIRE time!

Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 10:34 PM 2 comments
It's been a long time.....
Since I posted last, and I apologize to those who actually read it... Here are some pics from the NKOTB concert. We had GREAT seats..
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 10:21 PM 4 comments