Or so I hope. Joe and I had the opportunity to babysit for Jess and Mike on Saturday while they attended Dave and Laura's wedding. We had a great time. Although I think it was the longest I ever babysat, it was SO worth it! Peyton was SUCH a good girl and I was great to spend some quality time with her. She is still a PEANUT! Here are some pics from the day....
Joe's FIRST time feeding a baby. He did VERY well, at least I think Peyton thought so.7pm and we are FINALLY awake! So we tried to get some "activity" time in.

And this was the scene for most of the day. Atleast for my bathroom breaks. I couldn't help but hold her the ENTIRE time!

Oh, and Peyton was fine, VERY patient with Uncle Joe and all the fumbling. He did get the pj's on....backwards. But we didn't tell him that. "buttons in the back babe."
Thanks again Jess and Mike, we had a great time and can't wait to do it again.
She is so cute!! Tell Joe "good job"!!
You guys are WONDERFUL!
Thank yo uagain, we owe you and the pictures are adorable by the way
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