Friday, March 27, 2009

new hat

It's a little big.....but oh so cute! Girls, you can have your bows.....

somebody woke up on the wrong side of the crib!

ignore the cheesey bib... it was handy at the moment.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Blackhawks game

On Sunday Joe and I went to our annual Blackhawks game. For those of you that don't know Joe he is a huge hockey fan. I don't mind it myself. Anyway, this was my first time away from my little guy since he was born. We were lucky that Joe's parents agreed to watch him along with his cousin Macie. Anyway we dropped him off at 11 am and didn't pick him up til 8 pm....:-( Every 5 minutes I was looking at the stored pictures in my camera to get my fix... Anyhoo... I survived, but I kept him up til midnight just to play with him..:-)

As you can see we are in the nosebleed section. Actually, we always sit here, tix are $15 and they aren't bad seats.
Me and the hubby

Joe and his bro Phil... I love the drunk eyes!

Phil and Michelle...

Joe with Matt and Jess...Happy birthday you two!

Look What I can do......

So, when Joey was 2 weeks old we had him on the play mat and supposedly he rolled over....I didn't see it...

Well about a week ago, again I am not in the room, Joe had him on the ottoman and he yells to me "babe, he rolled over!" So this time, I run and get my camera....yup I was I was crossing my fingers that he would do it again...So here it is...

The first video is actually the 3rd time he did it. The bottom one was the 2nd time...

Monday, March 9, 2009

1 month

My Little Fuzzy Wuzzy,

You are 1 month old! I can't believe how fast time flies. Now, I have been meaning to do this for some time now, but you see pumpkin, you never let mommy get things done. I have to say you are a bit spoiled. You always want to be held. Really though, I don't mind.

Your first month has been very eventful! We have gone to many dr. appointments, oh, and I thank you for gaining some weight, I don't really enjoy weekly appointments, we have visited 2 restaurants, church, grandma and grandpa's house, grandma's house, and a playdate with Peyton, Auntie Kim's house in Wisconsin.... my goodness!

You are already changing sooo much! You are now 8 lbs. You haven't lost a hair on your head, or your body, hence... fuzzy wuzzy. Your daddy and I have had so much fun looking at you, studying your fingers and toes, your teeny button nose, every little crease on your body. Your daddy has had so much fun with you that he is taking another week off just to spend time with you. You are so lucky!

Peanut, you are starting to become more alert, you look at mommy as long as you can keep your eyes open, which is a lot longer these days... Let's just try to keep it between the hours of 7am-9pm...Mommy needs her beauty sleep...really, she does! Anyhooo...mommy doesn't really mind hanging out at 2,3,4 in the morning... I just can't get enough of that cute little face.

Well Fuzzy, you are starting to wake up, little do you know you are getting a bath....:-) I love you to pieces my sweet pea!


Daddy's birthday party, and your 1 month birthday...I think Daddy got a pretty good gift! You have a new best friend. Zoe just loves to lay by you when you sleep. She is always on gaurd!

Oh Buddy, this is right before you puked up an entire bottle! Oh it makes mommy so nervous when this happens...You don't seem to mind though.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


HE'S NAPPING in the CRIB!!!!!!!! Wish me luck people!!!