Monday, December 8, 2008

7 months..3rd trimester begins

It's been a while since I did the belly pics, but I am really only doing it on the "months." Everything is going well so far. Having trouble sleeping. Doesn't matter how many pillows I use or don't use, I just can't seem to get it right. The peeing a million times a night is getting old... I know, I know, "just wait....."

I go to the dr. on the 10th, I will do another update then.

Next time I am going to try to take these when I am not in pajama's and when I don't look like crap. I think I need to get Joe some photography lessons.... lol

I don't know why this first pic makes me look wide.... could be b/c I am pregnant, but really, I feel like my whole body looks stretched.


Michelle said...

Yay,updates! You look great for 7 months!!! Trying to get "decent" sleep at this point stinks! Love your "bump"!!

Kristi said...

Hee Hee, you're so cute. Still tiny!
Yeah, trying to sleep doesn't get any easier! Sorry to say... :(

Teresa said...

You are all belly!

Mandy said...

I feel like your pregnancy is flying! You look great - I love the dark hair!

Anonymous said...

look at your baby belly!
Do you have a sleep pillow?

Jessica said...

Try not to drink anything past 8pm. I never have to get up to pee!