I thought I was one of the lucky ones...... but with 4 weeks to go..... I get swollen ankles! WTF!?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Nursery pics
Ok, so I finally got my butt in gear and took some pics of the "not even close to being finished" nursery. Poor kid. I guess it really is all for me b/c I don't think the babies really care about their room until they are, oh maybe about 12! Anyway, here are the letters I am working on, what a pain.
I love doing crafty stuff, but my impatience gets the best of me. I want to sit down and get it all done in a day..... well my days are about 3 hours max, and anyone who has painted STRIPES knows it takes longer than that. So, tomorrow will be day 3! I just want to note... UM, Mr. Schuth...my jumping through hoops homework assignment is going to be half-assed because I am spending all my time painting letters for my son's nursery, I am sure you understand considering I have been teaching for 7 years and I KNOW HOW TO WRITE A LESSON PLAN! :-) Do you think he will buy it? Stupid Masters class getting in the way of EVERYTHING!
I digress.... Here are some pics: of the unfinished letters.
Dresser/changer combo without the hutch...b/c I haven't ordered it...b/c I'm lazy. That is why the wall is so blank there b/c it will have a gorgeous hutch....once I order it. :-) Oh and we are still waiting for our tall chest to come in...
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 11:59 PM 7 comments
Pregnancy update
Ughh.....first of all....NEVER have your "no, I'm not drunk honey" husband take pictures of your pregnant gut after hanging out with his friends..... That is my excuse! Anyway... I think my camera is playing some kind of trickery on me, I swear it isn't this big in real life... that is my excuse!
So, the other day a lady asked me if I was 7 months pregnant...I just smiled at her and said nope...due in 4 weeks! :-) Thank you very much!
Anyway, had a dr. appt today, the first of the "weekly" visits... HOLY CRAP! Yes, I had double fun when she not only checked my cervix, but ALSO.....my BUTT!!?? I knew I had to get that Strep B test thing where they take that REALLY long Q-tip and stick it in your vag...well it also went into my BUTT! What the F???!!!! Gross!
Anyway, survived that, no sweat. My stats are as follows:
Baby heart beat :153
weight gain 20lbs
Cervix: 1cm dialated
0% effaced.
So that is really about it for the dr. I will be back on Monday.
Oh we also had the hospital tour.... intersting, yet at the same time very boorriinngggg....... Plus there was this girl who was 34 weeks and her boyfriend or whatever pushed her around in a wheel chair because she was having "contractions." OH WHATEVER!!! I think she was full of it... I really just think she wanted attention. I was the one who is due in 4 weeks and she was moaning and making weird noises... I just didn't buy it. I could be wrong but please.... Anyway, I am very glad that we are delivering at Sherman. I had a choice between there or St. Joe's and I was told my Dr. prefers Sherman, well I know why. Very nice rooms, updated I should say, and the baby is never taken away from you while they do all that dr. stuff to it.
Now we just count down.... :-)
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 11:40 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Ok, well we got our furniture.....FINALLY! After many shopping trips and some returns, we went back to Babies-N-Beds in Hoffman Estates and decided on a set. I have found it is WAY easier to choose furniture when your baby is due in 5 weeks and the store has some sets in stock... Now, this picture is from the website, b/c obviously we are decorating with blue. But we do have all pieces, kind of, the hutch and chest are on their way. I will try to have some of the real nursery pics up this weekend. I just haven't felt like blogging lately. Is something going around? I am noticing others slacking on the posts.
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 2:35 PM 4 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
Dirksen's Birthday
Sorry, this post is screwed up. My writing is in the WRONG PLACE! The guys. Ryan, Youstra, Ryan D. and Joe

Me and Ryan (Crowthers). There are too many ryans!

Ryan, Birthday boy Ryan and Joe. That's all I got. I have been pretty boring lately. I really need to get better at taking pictures....!
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Catching Up
So Joe and I had Christmas Eve at our house, it was nice to have both families together although I am going to leave it at that...... For those that were in attendance, you know why. The above pic was taken from our loft. If you could have seen the amount of presents, you would not have believed that there was a recession. This was only half of what was there.
Posted by Samantha Scimeca at 11:56 AM 1 comments