I can't believe it...! All the fun started at 4 am on Saturday feb 7th. I got up for the normal morning pee... and didn't stop. I "leaked" for 5 hours!!!!!! So gross! Anyway, got checked in at 5:30....I had to shower, shave, clean the bathroom, make the bed...etc. before going to the hospital. I was in no hurry.
So after a quick exam, they decided to induce me at 7:30, even though my water broke, they wanted to hurry along the process. At about 2:00 I was having STRONG contractions about 2 min apart, but I was only dilated to a 3. The nurse, as sweet as she was, decided to "make" me a 4. She OPENED me while having a contraction. Lets just say I was crawling off the bed b/c it f-ing hurt! But, within 30 min I was feeling fantastic. LOVE the epidural!
Joseph was born at 6:07 pm on Saturday. What an experience! Here are some pics from the day.
Waiting for the fun to begin. I had a full room, both parents, Joe's mom and sister, Ryan and Ryan were around waiting for the big event. But as soon as the nurse said we are going to start pushing, everyone cleared except for my mom and Joe. This is him right after being born.

This is us in the special care unit. Joey had what they call "grunts." Very medical term I know, but this was around 10 pm, the first time that I was able to see him. If you are not familiar with grunts, it is a condition where the 2 things have happend. 1) the baby aspirated fluid or poop and has it in their lungs and with every breath they make a grunting sound. They need to be monitored very closely as they can develop an infection and then pnemonia.

This was the next day in the special care unit. He had to spend the night, the next day and then that night there...I was upset by this time. I wanted to have my baby with me. The Neonatal dr. finally agreed to let him come with us to our room, but we had to agree to stay in the hospital for another 24 hours. Of course we did, but we were told around 6 pm that night that he had to spend the night back in special care. That is when I lost it. They did bring him every 3 hours to nurse. Thank god I was nursing otherwise we wouldn't have seen him.
Congrats. We're so bummed we didn't get to hold him while we were there visiting. Hopefully we will get to see him again soon.
CONGRATS he is so adorable! Can't beleive all that hair. What a little sweetie...can't wait to meet him.
Congratulations!! He is so precious! I hope we get to meet him soon!
Congrats Sam!! Jacob was in neonatal for a few days too- we actually had to go home 1 day before he could, I was SO UPSET...it all worked out. I am so happy for you. What a beautiful baby!!
I can't believe he's here! I'm comin to visit again next week so I can hold him again.
Congratulations! He is a cutie. What's with all that hair? I hope he's doing better now.
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